Academic News and Key Reminders - Fall 2023

Academic News and Key Reminders from the Graduate College

September 26, 2023

Welcome new graduate students and welcome back returning students!

As we begin the fall term and 2023-2024 Academic Year, the Graduate College would like to remind you of a few important academic dates, deadlines, policies and resources to help you navigate your graduate studies. We recommend you bookmark this information for future reference.

Graduate College Operations

The Graduate College office on the third floor of the Main Building (Main 301) is generally open for student services between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. Students should check in using their DragonCard ID at the digital kiosk located at the front desk or contact for assistance. Please expect 1-2 business days for an email response. We offer complimentary filtered cold and hot water, tea, coffee and hot chocolate for graduate students during office hours. Just bring your own reusable cup or mug! 

The Graduate Student Lounge on the lower level of Main Building (Main 010A) is open 24/7 and accessible to all graduate students via your DragonCard ID. Students are welcome to use the lounge for quiet social gathering, meeting, studying, eating and events. More information about the lounge, including how to reserve it, is available on the Graduate College website. New students will receive access to the lounge during their first week of classes. 

Required Title IX Training

All graduate students are required to complete an online module entitled, "Drexel U Got This! - Graduate Student Training", a sexual and gender-based harassment and misconduct prevention program, by Tuesday, October 31 in order to be compliant with University policies for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The training is required for all graduate students, including online students, annually in the fall term. Students should have received a separate email with detailed information about how to access and complete the training in Drexel Learn. A copy of the message can be found in the “News” section of the Graduate College website. 


Academic Dates & Deadlines


Please refer to the Academic Calendars on the Provost’s website frequently for all academic dates and deadlines which are subject to change. You should also consult with your individual college or school officials and assigned graduate academic advisor(s) for additional dates, deadlines and requirements for your program. 


Fall Quarter Dates & Deadlines:

Tuesday, September 26 – Classes Begin* 
Wednesday, September 27 by 4 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Submit a Graduate Program Completion Form for Summer Quarter Graduates 
Thursday, September 28 at 10:30 a.m. EDT – Convocation 
Monday, October 2 – Deadline to Confirm Your Enrollment in your DrexelOne 
Monday, October 2 – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance* 
Monday, October 2 by 11:59 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course in your DrexelOne* 
Monday, October 9 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day (University Holiday) 
Monday, October 23 – Deadline to Submit an Application for Degree in your DrexelOne for Fall Quarter Graduation 
Week of October 30 – Winter Quarter Registration Begins (Review Your Time Ticket Information) 
Monday, November 13 – Deadline to Withdraw from a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance* 
Wednesday, November 22 – Friday, November 24 – Thanksgiving Break, No Classes 
Monday, November 27 – Classes Resume 
Saturday, December 9 – Last Day of Classes* 
Monday, December 11 – Term Examinations Begin* 
Saturday, December 16 – Term Examinations End* 
Saturday, December 16 – Fall Quarter Degree Conferral Date (Date that appears on diploma) 
Friday, December 22 – Academic Standing Notices Go Out (See Graduate Academic Standing Policy) 


*For part-of-term and semester dates and deadlines, please refer to Drexel’s Academic Calendars.

Academic Policies & Procedures


Please refer to the academic policies and procedures listed on both the Provost’s and Graduate College websites. Additional policies are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, including the Academic Integrity policy and conduct process. All students MUST be aware of and knowledgeable of these policies and procedures. Please review frequently for updates. 

International students (F-1 and J-1) should refer to the latest updates, policies and information on the International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) website. 


Please familiarize yourself with the following academic policies and procedures:


- Academic Standing: Graduate Students – Academic Standing is calculated each term that a student is registered for classes and outputs both the term and cumulative GPA. The cumulative GPA is calculated using all prior terms of graduate enrollment at Drexel. A student’s academic standing is reflected on their permanent academic transcript. A graduate student must maintain a minimum 3.00 term and cumulative GPA to progress toward graduation. Please note that individual programs may set higher standards. Please click on the policy for definitions, actions and requirements. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 

Course Program of Study (CPoS) & FAQs 

Grades Policy: Graduate Students 

Incomplete Grade Policy & Contract 

Grade Appeals Procedure  

Course Repeat Policy: Graduate Students 

Leave of Absence Policy 

Graduation Requirements  

Religious Observances Policy & Calendar 


Resources & Opportunities


- Review Campus Maps & Locations and plan ahead so you arrive at your scheduled classes on time. 

- Review various transportation options and the Drexel shuttle bus schedules. 

- Get acquainted with your DrexelOne portal and Drexel Learn, Drexel’s fully-supported learning management system (LMS). For questions about Learn or trainings and workshops, contact the Instructional Technology Group (ITG) at You can also view tutorials on YouTube and read their blog. 

- Visit Drexel University’s Information Technology (DUIT) website to get connected or contact the Help Desk for assistance at 215.895.2020 or For issues with your Drexel email or accounts, contact 

- Learn more about utilizing your student Microsoft Office 365 account, including email and apps. 

- Review Drexel’s Information Security team resources, best practices and available training. 

- Protect yourself and others against cyberthreats such as phishing and job scams. Take the Drexel University Security Training (D.U.S.T) training and receive your SANS security training certificate! Access the training at For any security related questions, please contact 

- Review the information on the Public Safety website, including campus safety tips, how to request a walking escort and emergency phone numbers you should save in your phone. 

- Attend the first annual Steinbright Career Development Center’s (SCDC) Graduate Career Services Day on Thursday, October 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT for an overview of resources and services offered to graduate students and a sampling of workshops. Free pizza lunch! Walk-ins welcome space permitting. Virtual option available. Register by October 2. 

- Register for an upcoming SCDC workshops, including drop-in resume review and prep for the Fall Career Fair October 11 to 13 and virtually on October 18. 

- Visit the Drexel University Libraries website for a virtual orientation and resources. 

- The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides academic support and resources for graduate students, both on campus and online, through the Center for Learning and Academic Success Services (CLASS) (see upcoming workshops), English Language Center (ELC), and academic partners. 

- The Drexel Writing Center (DWC) provides support through its Graduate Writing Consultants (GWCs) for all writing projects. Make an appointment online or become a GWC! 

- Students seeking information or accommodations for a documented disability should register with Disability Resources. 

- Review important policies and reporting protocols from the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture (EIC) and learn more about the Graduate College’s commitment to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) and Diversity Advisory Council. 

- Review Drexel’s compliance and privacy services and compliance hotline and website. 

- Invited to present your work at a meeting or conference? Apply for a GSA's Graduate Student Travel Subsidy Award. Unfortunately, poster presentations are not eligible at this time. 

- Interesting in starting a graduate student organization? Register for a virtual information session on Thursday, September 28 from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT in DragonLink, Drexel’s student organizations and events portal. 

- Don’t miss the monthly DrexelNOW graduate student newsletter edition for the latest graduate-specific news, events and opportunities. Follow DrexelNOW on social media too! 

- More Graduate College News & Events- Check back periodically for updates! 

Take Care & Be Well

Most importantly, please take care of yourself. You must be well to do well. Information about available health and wellness resources for graduate students is outlined on the Graduate College website, including information about the Office of Counseling and Health Services and SupportLinc, Drexel’s Employee Assistance Program, a free 24/7 confidential and professional service for support, guidance, counseling, and resources which is available to graduate students and their families and household members at no additional cost. Please also refer to the Health & Well-Being at Drexel website for information about campus health and counseling programs and so much more to support your wellbeing. And, check out Drexel University Libraries’ LibGuides for ideas for how to relieve stress and maintain intellectual wellness. 


Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Graduate College if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to support you throughout your graduate education. 


Stop by our office soon for a complimentary cup of coffee or hot chocolate and be sure to bring your own cup or mug. And, be sure to follow us on social media for opportunities to participate in on campus and virtual programs and events, and special contests to win Drexel prizes! 

Best wishes for a successful term.